I am here to help you live your best life.

I am David Ross

David Ross came into this lifetime with remembrances of times past and with extraordinary gifts and abilities.  He works with energy and perceives the subtle realms of sight, sound and knowingness.  He works with all aspects of energetic healing and manifesting.  He addresses physical, mental and emotional systems as well as energetic bodies and fields.  He traverses timelines, understanding the ramifications of where we now find ourselves individually as well as our collective trajectory.





David comes from a lineage of Scottish Healers who have been struck by lightning and survived.  David himself has been struck by lightning three times, crossing over and then returning each time with newly acquired knowledge and wisdom.  He has also walked out of a plane crash, survived an 18-wheeler hitting his car and was saved in a freak car accident in a way that could only be described by bystanders as divine intervention.  David is clearly here for an important mission.


With each lightning strike and other challenging events in David’s life came an acute, lucid awareness of other-worldly realms and Beings of Light.  He was taught about energy and atomic structure, space-time phenomena, amazing capabilities of the human body and the intricacies of life here on Earth.  He has been given an understanding of what is behind the curtain of human reality as well as the knowledge to access and impart amplified healing energies to others.  


For over twenty years, David has used his healing gifts to assist others to reboot their innate physical, mental and emotional abilities and to expand their levels of consciousness.  His gifts are offered for the greatest good of the individual and world at large, always with consent and permission. When David works with an individual, he initially clears any static and/or distortions in their system by energetically recalibrating their personal energetic field. Static and distortions in our system allows fear to rule our lives and make it difficult to see clearly.  Once static is cleared, the individual is in a place where they can receive energy or healing work as required in that specific moment.  David works on the whole person as opposed to focusing on isolated issues in order to create the best outcome.


I am here to use my intuitive gifts to give you clarity.

I am Lumina Serena.


Jennifer Lumina Serena is a 21st Century Wisdom Seeker who is highly gifted in energy work, channeling spirit and providing you with the highest clarity to help guide you on your path. She is trained as a neuroscientist, mystical intuitive, psychological explorer and advisor.

Her initial success path led her to obtain Ivy League science and medical education, culminating in an academic career in eye surgery.  By age 31, she had accomplished her goals and was a professor in a prestigious field, a wife and a mother living in a beautiful suburban home.  However, over the next several years, she realized how unhappy and truly unfulfilled she was by these Earthly accomplishments. She then began a transformative quest to find the root of happiness, abundance and achievement.

In 2017 she began to explore holistic medical disciplines and was trained in Functional Medicine where she guided clients on their path to wellness by evaluating the root cause of physical symptoms in the body.  The information was enlightening, but she was determined to dig deeper.  In 2019, she trained as a Shaman in the Q’ero lineage of Peru, finally exploring her calling to energy healing.  She is a full mesa carrier and began to understand that she had tapped into powerful abilities that she had not previously understood.

In 2020, she began to study The Divine Feminine and became a priestess initiate of the Avalonian lineage.  She achieved certification as a scent priestess of Myrraphores lineage.  Over the next several years, Lumina Serena would come to know and cultivate her abilities to consult with the spiritual realm and receive intuitive guidance for others.  Her knowingness helps clients to discover their true path and develop their own energetic sovereignty practices.

Our Mission





































To shift and change the path of the life you are creating.

Are You Ready?


Together let’s get clear on what you really want….even if you don’t know what that is yet.


Using energy and intention, powerful transformation is available for you.


Creating the life you want is within your reach. Think big…it’s your one life here on Earth.

Client Testimonials

“I am so grateful to have met [Lumina]. She helped me so much. Since meeting her and our sessions together, I have learned so much more about myself. It is pretty cool to realize I'm still evolving even as I am turning 61 years old.”
Ellen L.
“I think the [session with Lumina] worked! Now, I am always a bit of a skeptic so I also think the chat we had helped a lot. All that aside, something felt different inside me and I was in control, calm and brave. It was all very good and interesting on so many levels - the change within.”
Louise H.
“It was an amazing first session for me. Thanks for being so clear with me about it, setting the stage and helping me clear out my energies.”
Janice T.
“My nervous system is finally grounded. I slept like a rock and feel more...hopeful and less overwhelmed. Also, no more headache and my neck and back are feeling much better”
Caitlin G
“Something really shifted last week! The pain in my shoulder and lower back is gone. The energetic work is manifesting in the physical. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing gifts with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Linda L.
"[Lumina] is in a league of her own. What a phenomenal person to learn from. I can't wait to absorb all I can from this experience."
Lauren V.

Find Out What Your Life Has Been Missing